Spencer, Janae and Kate

Spencer, Janae and Kate
Please pray for us as we serve in Macedonia

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Thank you to all of our friends and family who have been praying for our visa process. We just received an email today stating that the documents we need will be here by next week!!! Please still be in prayer for our state-side process as we still have many hoops to jump through. We continue to thank God for His perfect timing in all of this.
We learned about the persecuted church this week. I was greatly convicted of the many times I had a chance to share the Gospel and I didn't, either because it was inconvienent or because I was intimidated. We heard of followers of Jesus who were and are persecuted because they won't keep quiet when warned by government or religious officials. These officials try to silence the testimony of the people; and yet how many times do I side with the persecutor because I remain silent instead of sharing my faith. And, something I never thought of before: one should expect persecution to come with being a Christ-follower. It is evident in the book of Acts through and through. If Paul had it, why should I expect to be any different? So, what has been my biggest persecutor here in the US? What has kept me silent? Self. An age-old trick of our enemy: Get us to serve self and therefore God won't be glorified in our lives. We become disqualified as Paul warns us in 1 Corinthians 9:26-27. I must die to self, take up my cross, and follow Him.
2 Thessalonians 3:1 Pray that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and that He may be glorified in Macedonia.